Create an irresistible tool and generate traffic without SEO
The original article has been written by Luana, and here we copy the point about case.
Full-stack Developer Vladimir Osipov shared his experience:
“I’m running a software development company and our developers for a long time had a problem of lacking a video conference tool that would suit all our daily needs, both teamwise and individually. There were plenty of alternatives on the market, but none was our ideal solution. And finally last spring we decided to solve this problem ourselves by building that solution internally. After a week of development the tool was basically ready and we started happily using it.”
The tool in question is the free XROOM app to create an online conference room.
One of the clients got interested in the tool, and after that this client wanted to start promoting xroom app actively.
“Just not with the classical SEO or ads, but instead by approaching directly to the possible users. Preferably it had to cost nothing! I built a basic strategy and realized I’ll go for 2 channels: social media and posting on the Internet within a suitable context.
As it turned out social media was pretty useless in my case, I invested too little time into that. Posting, in its turn, was really effective. I was looking for people having problems similar to ours, discussed that with them and at the end offered a solution. I didn’t take only one aspect (let’s say shorter call setup time), but many of them, everything that the tool was able to help with.”
“Some of them stayed, supposedly some of them brought new users. Last month [some] media started writing about the project (although I did not contact any) [and] I was really surprised. People started offering me to translate the tool into other languages; that way we got Spanish and Dutch. Well, yes, it’s important to note here that two parts of the tool that could help with growth were intentionally made open-source and publicly available: translations and plugins, so that helped with the engagement, too.”
And now the app user base is growing steadily every month.
“I plan to continue with this strategy of directly approaching the potential audience converting them into loyal users. I’ve attached a graph of the user base growth to this mail. This is all with literally zero advertising costs, only took 10–15 minutes per day of my time a couple times per week during half a year.”